Want access to some of our best guarded tricks, tools and secrets in our free reputation marketing course?
I just spent the last 3 weeks waking up at 4am, literally, so that I could create this FREE online reputation course for anyone that is interested in learning how to easily take back control of your reputation.
And, we’re not charging you for this information.
Why would we do this? Heaps of reasons, but for one, we really want you to see how important reputation can be for your business in terms of referrals, the importance of reviews, to increase your revenues, and to provide immediate value.
Some of the topics in this course will help you to immediately raise your online reputation score by as much as a half star. Did you know that by taking this course, you could learn some tactics that will allow you to start raising your reputation right away, and by doing so, start letting you charge more for your services?
In the course you’ll learn about the following things.
How to properly set up your Yelp accounts so that your reviews stick in Yelp. Learn how to find and flag bad reviews from your Yelp listing with a 60% chance of having those reviews removed.
Real life case studies and hard data from Cornell and Harvard that prove moving your reputation 1 star, can actually raise your revenues by as much as 22%.
We’ll show you how to get reviews that convert prospects to customers, and how to display those reviews on your website for the best results.
Explain 9 simple steps that won’t cost you a dime to manage your social media channels, especially in relation with your online reputation.
We will walk you through how much a single online review could be for your business, and some easy steps to get the right types of reviews.
We’ll teach you some of the principles of the 80/20 rule (don’t worry, it’s really easy) and how you can use and think about these principles to crank in and convert your clients to leaving you raving reviews!